E-Mag Active Helping People Walk

E-Mag Active Helping People Walk

Responsive and stable

The E-MAG Active electromagnetic stance control orthosis acts as an active walking partner, not just a static support. Even better, it doesn’t just come “one size fits all”. As part of the fitting and training, your Orthotist will calibrate the E-MAG Active to you and your physical abilities.

As your body changes, your walking abilities fluctuate, too. If your walking pattern or “gait” changes, the E-MAG Active can be recalibrated by your orthotist to accommodate your needs. And, unlike traditional braces, the E-MAG Active doesn’t require you to lock and unlock it while walking, and and you can easily unlock it to sit down.


The type of brace called a “Conventional KAFO” locks when your knee is fully extended. Imagine trying to move or walk without bending your knee. Some of these braces have a manual way to lock and unlock the knee – meaning that the person wearing the brace has to push a button or move a lever to unlock the knee joint and allow for movement.

A locked knee forces the person to find ways to walk despite the inability to flex the knee, which leads to compensatory movements that are often described as a “vault” or “hip hike” to allow the leg in a brace to move forward a step. This takes more energy, and ultimately leads to overuse and other complications, even damage of the leg. Many people avoid braces entirely rather than using a locked knee brace, also limiting their independence and stability.


Stance Control Braces allow the wearer to walk more naturally. In the short-term, that means more energy to spend moving forward and less wear and tear on the body. People who use stance control braces often comment that they—and those around them – are much less aware of the device, and simply think about what they are doing.

It does take time and dedication to learn to walk with these devices, and to unlearn the compensating movements used to walk with a locked knee brace. That investment is well worth it, though, to be able to more easily navigate through life.

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